Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This past weekend, my friend Pedro from Houston visited me! We took a mini trip to Tianjin, a coastal city south of Beijing. Tianjin is one of the cities in China going through dramatic change. The major of Tianjin ordered to have part of the ocean filled in order to have condos or mixed use building built. I was expecting fresh seafood in a restaurant on the beach, instead, I found construction site filled with dirt.
We also visited the Cultural District and Food District where we had delicious Chinese hotpot. Tianjin is known for its special dumplings. They are called "Dumplings that dogs hate". The original store is in Tianjin and it is a beautiful 5 star restaurant. We didn't get a chance to eat there because we were in a hurry to catch the train.

This weekend, I will be traveling to Shanghai and Xi'an. Xi'an is famous for their Terra Cota Warriors and Shanghai of course is for its lively night life and beautiful skylight.

1 comment:

Fit, Girly & Free said...

Hi sweetpea! Gosh so much has happened in the time you've been gone...I REALLY MISS YOU. And i'm glad to read you're settling and having some great adventures over there. Wow great knock off brands sounds amazing..wish i could come shop with ya. Take care girlie and becareful, write soon!!!