Wednesday, August 6, 2008




So for the remaining of the month, cars in Beijing will be on a rotating system. Traffic is certainly lighter. Most companies are on a rotating work schedule. Some start at 9:00 and the others start at 9:30.

The weather here in Beijing has been quite pleasant. It has not been very hot. The Chinese government actually figured out how to make/stop rain for the opening ceremony!! I know, the rumor is true!!



The security in Beijing has tightened up. All subways stations have security check systems. All bags need to go through security. Security personnel are everywhere, on the streets, at bus stations, at subway stations…..

Beijing is ready for the Olympics. Volunteers stands have been around every block of Beijing streets for a while now. They are ready to answer whatever questions tourists may have. All stations even installed laptop with wireless access to better assist tourists.

In subway cars, there are mid size LCD screens educate people each category of games. At the beginning of the CCTV news, either an Olympic athlete or a celebrity will teach an English word. All signs are Chinese and English. All announcements in subway station are in Chinese and English. All greetings in taxis are in both languages. Even the Beijing police were taught English by a New Yorker.

Olympics relay is taken place in Beijing for the next 3 days. My mother went to the relay in my district and she even had couple pictures taken with 3 people who were carrying the torch!!

Olympics flags are flying along streets of Beijing. It is quite exciting for a country who were divided as colonies just less than a century ago. Beijingers are so proud. The government is doing so many good things for the big game as well as for the country’s wellbeing in the long term. Recycling bins can be seen everywhere; plastic bags are completely banned from using; tighter emission controls on all cars, etc.

Falling in love with Beijing all over again

Being a “real Beijinger” (a person who’s born and raised in Beijing), I have to say, I was quite shocked when I first got back. As time goes by, I started falling in love with the city all over again. I can say, I’ve never been to another city that’s this metropolis and beautiful. The city has so much culture and history despite all the modern development. There are thousands of museums that record thousands of years of history. Yet, it has world class shopping malls, super-luxury hotels and top of the line office buildings. Beijing has all the things that a city has to offer and has everything that a person can possibly need and dream of.
So any of my friends is reading this out there, you HAVE to visit the city. And, start learning Chinese, seriously.